
SLODOG stands for Santa Lucia Open Dog Obedience Group, we are a licensed united Kennel Club (UKC) organization. We sponsor a UKC trial every year and hold both Obedience and Rally competitions at this trial.

Our members compete in both AKC (American Kennel Club) and UKC trials. So, we utilize our Run-throughs to provide opportunities to practice Obedience and/or Rally competition following either AKC or UKC rules of engagement. As a licensed UKC Club we are able to provide a venue for competition that includes both purebred and mixed-breed dogs.

Obedience training is exciting and rewarding for both the dog and the handler. A well-trained dog is a valuable companion, well mannered in public, and able to 'behave' around people and other dogs.

SLODOG members hold Run-throughs two Saturdays a month to practice and train their dogs in various levels of canine obedience. These obedience sessions are not formal instruction classes. Rather, they provide a venue for practicing obedience activities that can be the foundation for better teamwork between handlers and their dogs.

Obedience training is the springboard for future training, including

•Obedience competition

•Agility training and competition

•Participation in Therapy Dog activities

•Rally Obedience

See our calendar pages for dates, times and locations of SLODOG Saturday run-throughs. During the fall, winter and spring run-throughs begin at 9:00 am, during the summer they begin at 5:00 pm and are held in four different locations around the county.

Although SLODOG does not offer obedience classes directly - our membership includes many local Obedience instructors.

For AKC Obedience information & Rulebook:


For UKC Obedience information & Rulebook:


SLODOG Obedience contact: Cindy Decker

Album: heel, sit, stay - excellent!!

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